Reveiws from art critics. Intestazione introduzione

Grand opening of show room in Milan

by Philippe Daverio

Once again history is about to turn another page. Every time this happens, style changes and evolves while discovering new parameters. Style often rediscovers paths that may have existed in the past but were hidden. And this sets off the energy as the discovery unfolds.

The urban language

by Domenico Montalto

The concept of art always slips a little depending on the times and cultural atmosphere. This is happening now more than ever due to the  unbalanced art market, creating confusion and disorientation. As we know, art is a language that communicates the profound sense of life.

Rivadossi, the philosophy of wood

by Vittorio Sgarbi

If his furniture were  to be interpreted like models to be reproduced on a grand scale, which his work absolutely lends to, Guiseppe Rivadossi  would be one the greatest architects of our time.

Pussy wood

by Luca Doninelli

The sculpture of GR anticipates the observers reaction and does not allow one to walk a suggestive road. He prevents that journey through the size of his pieces, whose main characteristic is to occupy the entire space thus forcing one off  the road and blocking the journey.

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